Every winning campaign is about identifying the unique and critical path to success. In recent years, Bearstar has run winning campaigns for California Governor Gavin Newsom and Senator Kamala Harris along with countless local elected officials and successful ballot measure campaigns. We start our soup-to-nuts process with an outcome: winning. From there we reverse engineer a unique strategic approach, assemble the right team, and lead every aspect of your campaign to that end.

Whether for a presidential race or a local public affairs campaign, Bearstar’s award-winning TV spots combine data-driven message development with a creative approach that takes your story out of the research and into the real world. Our spots have been featured in outlets from the New York Times to CNN’s “The Situation Room” to Adweek to the CBS Evening News. When we make your TV, we make sure the creative doesn’t just move the audience – it moves you closer to winning. Watch our reel or shoot us an email for industry-leading TV we’ve done in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Vietnamese languages.

Your audience – whether it’s voters, opinion leaders, shareholders, or consumers – is receiving information via an ever-evolving media landscape in which digital outreach is more critical than ever. Bearstar helps you reach that audience where it is now, not where it was last year or even last month. Our groundbreaking digital advertising works hand-in-hand with TV to ensure you’re telling one compelling story strategically tailored for each platform and it’s users.

Bearstar believes direct mail is a critical persuasion tool only if it delivers not just a compelling message, but also a compelling visual package that commands the recipient’s attention. Too often, campaigns with limited resources spend hundreds of thousands on pieces that get lost in a sea of political junk mail and go straight in the trash. At Bearstar, we team with premier designers from outside the political realm to create mail campaigns in which each piece tells your story in a vibrant visual package that breaks through the clutter. Check out just a few pieces from recent campaigns here.

Bearstar’s philosophy on public affairs campaigns is simple: stay on offense. We’ve undertaken critical projects for clients ranging from publicly-traded companies to sports teams to major law firms to philanthropic institutions to government agencies. Every campaign is unique, and we partner with you to develop a comprehensive strategy that drives you toward winning while safeguarding your reputation.

Bearstar has directed communications efforts, served as spokespeople, led debate preparations for elected officials at all levels, and managed complex messaging challenges for a wide variety of private and public sector clients. Our diverse backgrounds and deep relationships with reporters across a wide range of focus areas give our firm an advantage over other press shops. We leverage our decades of experience to ensure your message rings clear, even in the most challenging situations.