Rejected by 57% of 2018 California voters.
It’s a Dangerous Road
The No on Proposition 6 campaign was launched to beat back an initiative that aimed to repeal California’s gas tax, overcoming a significant initial polling deficit to claim a decisive victory in 2018. Bearstar Strategies developed a message strategy and produced a media campaign that honed in on the tangible, local impacts that drivers would suffer with the passage of Prop 6.
Bearstar’s media campaign “It’s a Dangerous Road” featured the trusted voices of first responders, engineers, and concerned parents to deliver a message that detailed the dangers of passing Prop 6. The campaign visualized and pegged the initiative as an attack on road and bridge safety, detailing the specific impacts of halting the retrofitting of bridges and improvements to dilapidated roads.
This strategic message and message erased the polling deficit and moved voters to vote down the measure.